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Request for Proposals for Legislative Advocate and Coordinator

 Lincoln County Conservation District (LCCD), in partnership with Columbia Basin Sustainable Water Coalition (CBSWC) is seeking Requests for Proposals to provide (CBSWC) with coordination and legislative advocacy services related to a proposed request to the Washington State Legislature for a technical work group to study
and provide recommendations for possible legislation regarding
the regulatory framework for Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR).


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Services will include:

• Coordination with potentially interested municipalities to gather interest in signing a legislative request letter asking the Legislature to direct and fund the agencies to establish the technical work group.

• Preparation of a legislative request letter asking the Legislature to include a proviso in the 2025 session for the work group. 

• Coordination with individual legislators prior to and during the 2025 session to advocate for inclusion of a proviso for the work group. Develop an information handout, including a summary of the issue and simple graphics depicting the basic concepts of ASR, that will provide legislators context for the request. Provide draft legislative language, if necessary, to assist legislative staff in developing bill language for the Legislature’s consideration.

Please address your responses to Elsa Bowen at Proposals must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on October 15th, 2024.

The intent of the services provided under this request for proposal is to coordinate and advocate for the Legislature to include a proviso during the 2025 session that will direct the relevant state agencies and programs (e.g., the Washington State Department of Ecology’s Water Resources Program, Water Quality Program, and the Office of Columbia River as well as the Washington Department of Health’s Office of Drinking Water) to convene a technical work group, invite representatives from interested municipalities, study the issue, and provide recommendations back to Legislature regarding possible legislative changes that could be considered to make the regulatory framework for ASR more feasible, while also being adequately protective of the environment.

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