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WSCC- Washingon State Conservation Commission 

Washington State Conservation Commission logo

The Lincoln County Conservation District administers a cost share program funded by the Washington State Conservation Commission and the District Special Assessment Fund. Some examples of programs either funded or currently in consideration of funding are:

  • Pasture & Hayland

  • Solar Livestock Watering Facility

  • Terrace

  • Sediment Basin Rebuild

  • Windbreak

  • Grass Waterway Rebuild 

Funding amounts vary from $10,000 up to $50,000, depending on the funding source, to help cooperators improve their farm and better conserve our natural resources.  All projects must be designed to meet NRCS standards and specifications. LCCD will pay 75% of project costs on a variety

of projects (e.g. for a project incurring $5,000 in costs, the District will pay $3,750. For a project that costs $66,667 or more, the District will pay no more than $50,000.

The Cost Share Application is available here or at the conservation district.

Cost Share Internal Application

Forms can be returned to:

Lincoln County Conservation District
1310 Morgan St.
P.O. Box 46
Davenport, WA 99122

Please Contact (509) 725-4181 x117 for more information and details on this Cost Share Program.

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